Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis

Mighty Blue is Mighty Good

Having hiked The AT for 25 years and about 1,400 miles, I have grown to love AT Hiker culture. Like the famous 6 blind men trying to describe an elephant, podcasts such as Mighty Blue's are Mighty Helpful in answering the Why am I hiking this stretch of dirt question.

Mighty Blue does an excellent job of telling his AT story and that of many other AT hikers. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around IronWill, an AT hikerette that completed a thru- hike with no legs. She's more of a man than I will ever be.

In spite of his English accent but because of his choice of verbiage, this is a podcast well worth your time if you are hiking The AT or even considering it.

Happy Trails --- JASH - Just A Section Hiker

March 27, 2017 by JASH of The AT on Apple Podcasts

Mighty Blue On The Appalachian Trail: The Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis

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