June 3, 2021

Episode #273 - M.J. Eberhart (Nimblewill Nomad)

Episode #273 - M.J. Eberhart (Nimblewill Nomad)

A Walking Legend

On a beautiful day in the Grayson Highlands, Ryan hikes and sits down with Nimblewill Nomad for a follow-up interview from the last time they spoke on the trail.

Nimblewill is over 900 total miles in since leaving Flagg Mountain, Alabama, earlier this year. He is attempting to set a record by thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail at 83 years old. His hike this season has drawn the attention of many in the trail community and all are rooting for his success. Hike on Nimblewill!


Email Ryan: ryanh620@gmail.com

Katie continues her tentative on-trail rehab. She is still in Shenandoah National Park and gradually increasing the pressure on her knee. Steve and Katie discuss her plans to increase both the weight that she's carrying as well as the number of miles she is doing. As always, her determined spirit shines through.

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